plumbers SE2

May 6, 2014

Water Closet Cistern

WC cisterns today are slightly different from those fitted many years ago. Actually, the cistern is now, quite a technological innovation. Water flowing into the cistern […]
May 4, 2014

Tools with Plumbing Uses

Below are some Tools that have uses in the Plumbing World:Hammers:Claw hammer for general work (banging nails and clawing out old screws), a small tack hammer, […]
May 2, 2014

Radiator Valves and Balancing

Two different types of valves are featured on a radiator in a central heating system. Number one is fitted to open up and close down the […]
April 30, 2014

Heat Pump or Air Conditioner

The heat pump is an appliance that can use energy, to send heat from one location to another. However this is not done but not in […]